Tag Archives: food

i promise have not run away…..i’ve been SICK

tissueboxclipartalright, i know….the pain has been almost unbearable and i’m sorry – i miss you too. i have not run away; i’ve been super sick. it sucks, i do realize this. especially when i have been coughing my frenzied brain off for two weeks now while taking care of a house full of hungry children, a tall husband and two dogs!! i am however on the mend of healthy so i wanted to tell you all that i have my little red book ready with tons of cough syrup induced blog post ideas that i cannot wait to share with you all. happy wednesday everyone!


did someone say delicious? i’ll raise your delicious and add a little cabbage to that

cabage recipe pinterestandblog copyThe BEST cabbage recipe on the planet……

this is my first recipe submission into the blog world and i am so super excited to be able to share it with you. back story? i know you like the back story, so i’ll give you a little insight. i’m 31 years old and i have never eaten or made cooked cabbage. i said it. i know….i should be ashamed of myself and i was until two weeks ago. there i was sitting at home with the children, doing the mom thing and PING goes the light bulb over my head, “i’ve never had cooked cabbage before, ever”. this was in fact WILD to me! see, i LOVE LOVE LOVE food. i love to look at it. i love to cook it. i love to eat it. i love to read about food. i just love food over and over again. so when this epiphany came to me, i was blown away just like you probably are right now. i mean, me of all people not had cooked cabbage. that fact obviously did not stick because i have come up with the best cabbage recipe on the planet.

you say you don’t like cooked cabbage? well, i promise not to give you the green eggs and ham  speech, however…..if my children have fifth helpings of it, then i must be doing something pretty darn delicious in my kitchen, okay. all i ask is that you squawk and gawk at my lovely recipe pictures i actually took time to click. and the steps in which i have come up with to share this yummy in your tummy cooked cabbage recipe.

what you will need recipe cabbage




  • fresh parsley
  • fresh head of cabbage
  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • one bouillon cube
  • 3 cups of water
  • dash of salt & dash of pepper
  • a big pot & lid – cabbage
  • a small pot & lid – broth
  • stove (i had to add the stove in there…ocd and all)

alright, so we have our list of needed items to make the best cooked cabbage on the planet. let’s get started.

cabbage recipe parsley






step 1:

pick a couple handfuls of parsley bunches and set aside.

take the 1/2 cup of butter and melt it in your pot on medium high heat

cabbage recipe boiling water






step 2:

pour the 3 cups of water into the small pot and turn on high heat

*you can add a few pulls of parsley if you’d like, i did

cabbage recipe cabbage and parsley








step 3:

cut the fresh cabbage head into 6-8 sections.

place the cut cabbage sections into the big pot with the melted butter

then add the pulled parsley you had set aside in step 1

cabbage recipe boullion cube






step 4:

place your bouillon cube into the small pot of boiling water and stir occasionally until dissolved

meanwhile, sit/mix up the cabbage and parsley in the big pot with the melted butter. keep the heat on medium low to medium high

*make sure to keep the lid on the big pot of cabbage while it cooks

cabbage recipe bouillon water






step 5:

your bouillon cube should have be dissolved

pour the broth from from the small pot over the cabbage and mix together

cabbage recipe steam it






step 6:

replace the lid to the cabbage pot and put the heat on simmer

the cabbage should simmer for about 30 minutes and then it’s show time

cabbage recipe eat it




* just add a little salt and pepper to taste and there you have it…..delicious cooked cabbage


have you looked under your oven recently? i have and guess what i found…

let me start out by saying…I LOVE TO COOK. there i said it. it’s in the open for the universe to see and know that even when it’s 6 o’clock and i’m tormenting my family because i have to cook dinner….i’m secretly reveling in my awesomeness. that’s right, i am the next top mom chef. lies? no. i don’t think so. more like the secret truth behind the the story of heather, super hero at heart.

what’s with my ranting about my awesome cooking skills? sit down and i’ll tell you. see unlike many of you, i hold the world record for “losing” food under the …..dunn…dunn…dunn…OVEN! shh…..the oven people might hear, so try and contain the excitement for what i am about to speak of.

so i’m cooking. in my groove and doing my thing. and then BHAM, a brussel sprout drops to the floor and what does it do? it rolls. that’s right. it rolls right under the oven of all places. gone. haha. i think to myself….”i can save you brussel sprout”. so i set my bamboo spatula down on the counter and take the all mighty four legged I lost something position. but much to my disbelief, the under oven is CLEAN and free of any brussel spout waiting to be saved and fed to the dog. it’s just as if it had never dropped and rolled under the oven at all. oh man. so i think “boy am i going to have a toot of a brussel sprout stinking up my kitchen next week”. but no. no stinky smell. no brussel sprout. because the oven people captured the dropped brussel sprout and took it away for their people of the oven feast. it’s not just the brussel sprout. it’s all things. they stop at nothing to eat the rolling goods.

i have oven people living under my oven, capturing and eating the food that drops and rolls underneath. i bet you do too. so….what may i ask has rolled under your oven recently?


what's under your oven?

what’s under your oven?

wife vs. husband : the breakfast plate

okay, so we had breakfast for dinner last night. it was quite delicious and yes i managed to clean my plate! i am in desperate need of a new skillet so in turn my pancakes wound up looking like word blurbs, which worked out quite well for this wife vs. husband post and the kids went coocoo for them too (which is a plus in the mom department) so, i made my plate cute and fun and then i set out a plate for my husband to make and as you can see this is what he came up with. some of the kids of course, did a little copycat of daddy which i thought was quite funny! but yes wife vs. husband breakfast plate…..gotta love it!